Evaluating Purpose Statements

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Evaluating Purpose Statements

The journal article by PhD Dissertation Help (2014) examines ethnic diversity, corruption, ethical climates, and human resource management in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite its cultural, economic, and political aspects, this area needs to be addressed in a study on these issues. They want to add to the literature by studying these characteristics in sub-Saharan Africa. The paper reviews ethnic diversity, corruption, and ethical climate studies and explains how human resource management is affected (Parboteeah, Seriki, & Hoegl, 2014). In sub-Saharan Africa, cultural and institutional variables alter these interactions. The authors provide significant results. Secondly, depending on the circumstances, ethnic diversity can increase or decrease corruption. Second, ethical climates help reduce corruption, but their success relies on the organization’s cultural homogeneity. Human resource management strategies can reduce corruption and improve ethics in sub-Saharan Africa, but they must be adapted to local culture and institutions. (Get in touch with Dissertation editing help online)

Theory: A research study’s theoretical base helps explain and comprehend its results. Organizational, institutional, and social identity theories underpin this study. Organizational theory studies how organizations work and how to manage them. It examines interactions between people, groups, and organizations and how culture, structure, and communication affect organizational behavior (Parboteeah, Seriki, & Hoegl, 2014). An institutional theory emphasizes external forces like cultural norms, rules, and laws that influence organizations. It helps explain how organizations adapt and react to external circumstances. Social identity theory examines how people define themselves through their social groupings. It helps explain how self- and group perceptions affect behavior, particularly workplace ethics. The authors explain their results using these theoretical frameworks as expounded by buy dissertation proposal. The organizational theory explains how corruption can permeate an organization’s culture and structure. The institutional theory explains how ethnicity affects corruption perceptions and how rules impact corruption levels. Lastly, social identity theory explains how ethnic identification affects workplace ethics.

Problem: master’s online dissertation describes ethnic diversity, corruption, ethical climates, and human resource management in sub-Saharan Africa require empirical investigation. Sub-Saharan Africa has substantial ethnic diversity, and corruption can harm corporate performance and employee well-being. Researchers and policymakers can comprehend sub-Saharan African organizations’ issues and devise practical solutions by studying these characteristics (Maxfield, & Babbie, 2017). Understanding how ethnic diversity affects ethical cultures can help firms create more inclusive and fair HR practices that boost employee happiness and performance. Understanding how corruption affects HRM processes can help firms build effective anti-corruption strategies that increase transparency and accountability as expounded by buy PhD dissertation.

Purpose: The purpose statement is that the project will analyze ethnic diversity, corruption, ethical climates, and human resource management in sub-Saharan Africa. The authors want to provide empirical data from an understudied location to the literature on these themes. These results can benefit sub-Saharan African organizations and promote social transformation.

Alignment: A research study’s purpose statement defines its goals. The authors did a great job aligning the mission statement with the study topic and theoretical framework. The study’s purpose explicitly states that ethnic variety affects corruption, ethical climates, and human resource management in sub-Saharan Africa. The statement also lists the study’s primary research topics and aims, such as determining the link between ethnic diversity and corruption, ethical climates and corruption, and human resource management and corruption (Maxfield, & Babbie, 2017). The study’s methodology and results corroborate the authors’ arguments concerning ethnic diversity, corruption, ethical climates, and human resource management in sub-Saharan Africa. Ethnic diversity and ethical cultures, and human resource management reduce corruption in firms, according to the research.

Position on research and social change: research can improve society by informing policy and practice. Researchers must intentionally target real-world challenges and make their results accessible and relevant to stakeholders to fulfil this potential (Burkholder et al., 2020). The journal article’s objective statement shows this approach: the authors want to enlighten and enhance organizational practices in sub-Saharan Africa and promote good social change.

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